Flying practice in the Year II summer has been a tradition of this faculty since the beginning until the 90s. It matters a lot to an aviation engineer to take the stick in his / her own hand, to understand the difficulty of flying, to feel directly the emotion and the fascination of flying.

From 2017 we resume flying practice, with the support of Ministry of National Education, the Romanian Airclub, Euroavia Bucharest, and of a number of sponsors. We have 60 places for August-September 2017.

The flying practice is optional. The Year 2 students who want to register are invited to do so at, mentioning the time interval they are able to participate (between 20 August and 25 September), where would they prefer (Bucharest-Clinceni, Ploiești-Strejnic or Brașov-Sânpetru), whether they have previous flying experience or not. Only students who ended the 2nd Year with at most one fail will be accepted. If more than 60 eligible students will apply, the places will be attributed in average grade descending order.


Images from the first flights of the students after 25 years of discontinuity of the flight practice, on 27-29 august 2017 at Clinceni Aerodrome. We are grateful to the Ministry of National Education, Aeroclubului României and Euroavia for involvelent in the success of these first flights. We thank the instructors for the professionalism and dedication in training our students. One never forgets the first flight! După această primă grupă de 10 studenți, urmează alte două grupe în luna septembrie 2017. Reacții ale studenților: ”Cea mai tare experienta din facultate”; ”Astăzi am zburat alături de un pilot instructor de acrobație. A fost super!”; ”Sper sa se bucure si ceilalti cel putin pe jumatate din cat ne-am bucurat si am ras noi, au fost super si instructorii si planoristii, foarte atenti si grijulii cu noi”.


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