Campus (venues)

Location of UPB Campuses in Bucharest: Access using the underground network.


        P = Polizu, R = Regie (cămine), N = Noul Local (Rectorat), L = Leu

Campus Polizu


The headquarters of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and the buildings where most of the classes are held are in the Polizu Campus, str. Gh. Polizu 1-7, near Gara de Nord.

Campus Noul Local (Rectorat)

Most of the facilities common to all UPB faculties (library, sports hall, etc.) as well as some of the junior years disciplines laboratories are located here.


Malaysian 370 – Ten Years After

Are you interested in the MH370 case? What are the scenarios, and what is their probability? What can be done to avoid a similar case in the future? Which lessons can the aviation community learn from it? I invite you to join me at the Malaysian 370 Webinar on 27...

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First Digital AIP Romania

  First Digital AIP Romania by Octavian Thor Pleter Recently I found and scanned some old documents, dated 1991-1992, which prompted memories of my first professional achievements. When I graduated the Faculty of Aeronautics in 1986, I had already discovered my...

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NASA Space Apps Challenge Romania

Registrations are now open for the NASA Space Apps Challenge Romania, the largest international hackathon! Are you passionate about Space and science and want to make a difference? We invite you to register for the NASA Space Apps Challenge Romania, the largest...

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UAV International Contest

A first major UAV competition will be hosted by the University Politehnica of Bucharest this year. Student teams from any university in the EELISA alliance may participate. The contest calendar and other information may be found at <EELISA UAV Contest 2023> We...

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EASN Conference Salerno 5-8 Sep 2023

  The 13th Conference of the European Aeronautical Sciences Network will take place in Salerno, Italy, on 5-8 September 2023. The annual EASN conference grew into the most important such aerospace event in Europe. The presented papers have a number of publishing...

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AIAS Job Openings

  Civil Aviation Safety Investigation and Analysis Authority (SIAA in Romanian AIAS) publishes job openings which could interest our members. Further information on the SIAA site (in Romanian only):...

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Air Transport Engineering (ATE)

  Air Transport Engineering (ATE) taught entirely in English is a modern multidisciplinary master program, founded in 2013, aligned to the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) strategy of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It is the...

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