Diploma Projects / Exams
New! Additional Session February 2020
The finalized Diploma Project in electronic format (both Word and PDF) must be submitted to the Secretary of the Diploma Exam Board (SCD) by e-mail on 30 January 2020, 23:59 hours the latest, for February 2020 Session.
The finalized Diploma Project must be submitted in electronic form to the supervisor, too.
The printed and bound form of the Diploma Project must be submitted on 31 January 2020.
Warning! Applying to the Diploma Exam is not allowed for the graduates who do not comply to these deadlines to submit the finalized Diploma Project.
Registration for Diploma Exam will be open between 3 and 7 February 2020 and the exam will take place on 17-21 February 2020.
Supervisor recommendation form
The Procedure of Preparing and Supervising of the Diploma Projects EIPD 1.3 UPB-FIA was introduced as a disciplined framework aiming at improving the way in which diploma project preparation and supervision are made, and how the 4th Year students work at these projects, with equally spread efforts, on the course of the two semesters. Also, we aimed at improving the quality of the diploma projects.
Rules on how to Finalize Studies (in Romanian) UPB
Important announcements for the 4th Year Students
The finalized Diploma Project in electronic format (both Word and PDF) must be submitted to the Secretary of the Diploma Exam Board (SCD) by e-mail on 12 June 2020, 23:59 hours the latest, for July 2020 Session.
The finalized Diploma Project must be submitted in electronic form to the supervisor, too.
The printed and bound form of the Diploma Project must be submitted on 26 June 2020.
Warning! Applying to the Diploma Exam is not allowed for the graduates who do not comply to these deadlines to submit the finalized Diploma Project.
For the September 2020 Session, the Secretaries of the Boards are the same as in July, and the deadline to submit the finalized form of the diploma project is 4 September 2020 23:59 hours. Registration for Diploma Exam will be open between 24 August and 6 September 2020 and the exam will take place on 7-8 September 2020.
Supervisor recommendation form
Major Subjects
Equipment and Aviation Installations
Aeronautic Engineering and Management
Progress on the Diploma Projects
Project Themes Allocation Meeting Schedule *)
CA Fri 1 Nov 2019 12 pm Room I013
SP Thu 31 Oct 2019 9 am Room R016
NA Tue 5 Nov 2019 2 pm Room L117
EIA Mon 28 Oct 2019 9 am Room I013
IMA Thu 31 Oct 2019 9 am Room G01
DA Thu 31 Oct 2019 12 pm Room BN330
*) This is a tentative schedule, please recheck updated information
Diploma Exam Schedule
Program of studies CONSTRUCȚII AEROSPAȚIALE | ||
10 September 2019, 900 | Room I013 | |
Prof. dr.ing. Sterian DANAILA | President | |
Prof. dr.ing. Marius STOIA-DJESKA | Member | |
Conf .dr.ing. Petrişor PÂRVU | Member | |
Conf .dr.ing. Florin FRUNZULICĂ | Member | |
Ş.l. dr.ing. Ion PREDOIU | Member | |
Conf. dr.ing. Laurențiu MORARU | Secretary | |
Program of studies SISTEME DE PROPULSIE | ||
10 September 2019, 1000 | Room R016 | |
Prof.dr.ing. Dragos ISVORANU | President | |
Conf.dr.ing. Daniel CRUNŢEANU | Member | |
Conf. dr.ing. Alina BOGOI | Member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Marius BREBENEL | Member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Grigore CICAN | Member | |
Ș.l.dr. ing. Constantin LEVENȚIU | Secretary | |
11 September 2019, 900 | Room G01 | |
Prof. dr.ing. Adrian Mihail STOICA | President | |
Prof. dr.ing. Octavian Grigore MULER | Member | |
Prof. dr. ing. Teodor Viorel CHELARU | Member | |
Ș.l.dr.ing. Sorin BERBENTE | Member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Cristian CONSTANTINESCU | Member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Valentin PANA | Secretary | |
11 September 2019, 900 | Room E013 | |
Prof.dr.ing. Sorin Eugen ZAHARIA | President | |
Prof. dr.ing. Corneliu BERBENTE | Member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Stefan POPESCU | Member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Silviu ZANCU | Member | |
Ş.l. dr.ing. Bogdan TEODORESCU | Member | |
As. ing. Cornel DINU | Secretary | |
9 September 2019, 1000 | Room I013 | |
Conf. dr.ing. Octavian Thor PLETER | President | |
Prof. dr.ing. Marius STOIA-DJESKA | Member | |
Prof.dr.ing. Dragos ISVORANU | Member | |
Sl. dr. ing. Ion PREDOIU | Member | |
Sl. dr. ing. Marius BREBENEL | Member | |
Conf. dr.ing. Laurențiu MORARU | Secretary | |
Attention graduates Year 4 Bachelor and Year 2 Master
Enrolling for the Diploma Exam or Dissertation Exam requires a list of documents mentioned at Art. 10 of the Rules of Finalizing of Studies, and additionally the following:
- Work Agreement with all signatures in original (according to the Operational Procedure PO-34-FIA-01 EIDP)
- Certificate of completing the Employment Questionnaire on the platform https://studenti.pub.ro/(according to the Rector Decision 259/26.4.18)
Each terminal year student (graduate) finds in his/her account on the platform https://studenti.pub.ro/ a button labeled Chestionar Angajabilitate which leads to the questionnaire form.
After filling and saving the questionnaire, the platform automatically generates a Certificate of completing the Employment Questionnaire.
The student should print this certificate and include it in the Enrollment File, alongside of all other documents therein.
Diploma Exam Schedule
Program of studies Aerospace Constructions | ||
4-5 July 2019, 9 am | Room I013 | |
Prof. dr.ing. Sterian DANAILA | President | |
Conf. dr.ing. Marius STOIA-DJESKA | member | |
Conf .dr.ing. Petrişor PÂRVU | member | |
Conf. dr.ing. Florin FRUNZULICĂ | member | |
Ş.l. dr.ing. Ion PREDOIU | member | |
Conf. dr.ing. Laurențiu MORARU | secretary | |
List of Diploma Projects CA finalized on 14 June 2019 and submitted to the board (27)
Program of studies Propulsion Systems | ||
3-4 July 2019, 9 am | Room I013/G1 | |
Prof. dr. ing. Dragos ISVORANU | President | |
Conf.dr.ing. Daniel CRUNȚEANU | member | |
Conf. dr.ing. Alina BOGOI | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Marius BREBENEL | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Grigore CICAN | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Constantin LEVENȚIU | secretary | |
List of Diploma Projects SP finalized on 14 June 2019 and submitted to the board (27)
Program of studies Aviation Equipment and Installations | ||
3-4 July 2019, 9 am | Room G1/E013 | |
Prof. dr.ing. Adrian Mihail STOICA | President | |
Prof. dr.ing. Octavian Grigore MULER | member | |
Prof. dr. ing. Teodor Viorel CHELARU | member | |
Conf. dr. ing. Doina MORARU | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Cristian CONSTANTINESCU | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Valentin PANA | secretary | |
List of Diploma Projects EIA finalized on 14 June 2019 and submitted to the board (33)
Program of studies Aeronautical Engineering and Management | ||
5 July 2019, 9 am | Room E013 | |
Prof. dr.ing. Sorin Eugen ZAHARIA | President | |
Prof. dr.ing. Corneliu BERBENTE | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Bogdan TEODORESCU | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Silviu ZANCU | member | |
Ş.l. dr.ing. Stefan POPESCU | member | |
As. ing. Cornel DINU | secretary | |
List of Diploma Projects IMA finalized on 14 June 2019 and submitted to the board (17)
Program of studies Air Navigation (in English) | ||
1-2 July 2019, 9 am | Room I013 | |
Conf. dr. ing. Octavian Thor PLETER | President | |
Prof. dr. ing. Marius STOIA-DJESKA | member | |
Prof. dr. ing. Dragoș ISVORANU | member | |
Conf. dr.ing. Petrișor PÂRVU | member | |
S.l. dr. ing. Marius BREBENEL | member | |
Conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu MORARU | secretary | |
List of Diploma Projects NA finalized on 14 June 2019 and submitted to the board (29)
The Procedure of Preparing and Supervising of the Diploma Projects EIPD 1.3 UPB-FIA was introduced as a disciplined framework aiming at improving the way in which diploma project preparation and supervision are made, and how the 4th Year students work at these projects, with equally spread efforts, on the course of the two semesters. Also, we aimed at improving the quality of the diploma projects.
Rules on how to Finalize Studies (in Romanian) UPB
Important announcements for the 4th Year Students
The finalized Diploma Project in electronic format (both Word and PDF) must be submitted to the Secretary of the Diploma Exam Board (SCD) by e-mail on 14 June 2019, 23:59 hours the latest, for July 2019 Session.
The finalized Diploma Project must be submitted in electronic form to the supervisor, too.
The printed and bound form of the Diploma Project must be submitted on 28 June 2019.
Warning! Applying to the Diploma Exam is not allowed for the graduates who do not comply to these deadlines to submit the finalized Diploma Project.
For the September 2019 Session, the Secretaries of the Boards are the same as in July, and the deadline to submit the finalized form of the diploma project is 15 August 2019 23:59 hours. Registration for Diploma Exam will be open between 26 August and 8 September 2019 and the exam will take place on 9-10 September 2019.
Supervisor recommendation form
Major Subjects
Equipment and Aviation Installations
Aeronautic Engineering and Management
Progress on the Diploma Projects
Diploma Exam Schedule
Program of studies Aerospace Constructions | ||
5-6 July 2018, 9 am | Room I013 | |
Prof. dr.ing. Sterian DANAILA | President | |
Conf. dr.ing. Marius STOIA-DJESKA | member | |
Conf .dr.ing. Petrişor PÂRVU | member | |
Ş.l. dr.ing. Ion PREDOIU | member | |
Ş.l. dr.ing. Bogdan TEODORESCU | member | |
Conf. dr.ing. Laurențiu MORARU | secretary | |
List of Diploma Projects CA finalized on 15 June 2018 and submitted to the board (29)
Program of studies Propulsion Systems | ||
4-5 July 2018, 9 am | Room I013/G1 | |
Prof. dr. ing. Dragos ISVORANU | President | |
Prof.dr.ing. Virgil STANCIU | member | |
Conf. dr.ing. Alina BOGOI | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Marius BREBENEL | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Grigore CICAN | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Constantin LEVENȚIU | secretary | |
List of Diploma Projects SP finalized on 15 June 2018 and submitted to the board (22)
Program of studies Aviation Equipment and Installations | ||
4 July 2018, 9 am | Room G1 | |
Prof. dr.ing. Adrian Mihail STOICA | President | |
Prof. dr.ing. Octavian Grigore MULER | member | |
Prof. dr. ing. Teodor Viorel CHELARU | member | |
Conf. dr. ing. Doina MORARU | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Cristian CONSTANTINESCU | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Valentin PANA | secretary | |
List of Diploma Projects EIA finalized on 15 June 2018 and submitted to the board (7)
Program of studies Aeronautical Engineering and Management | ||
6 July 2018, 9 am | Room E013 | |
Prof. dr.ing. Sorin Eugen ZAHARIA | President | |
Prof. dr.ing. Corneliu BERBENTE | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Bogdan TEODORESCU | member | |
Ş.l.dr.ing. Silviu ZANCU | member | |
Ş.l. dr.ing. Stefan POPESCU | member | |
As. ing. Cornel DINU | secretary | |
List of Diploma Projects IMA finalized on 15 June 2018 and submitted to the board (18)
Program of studies Air Navigation (in English) | ||
2-3 July 2018, 9 am | Room I013 | |
Conf. dr. ing. Octavian Thor PLETER | President | |
Prof. dr. ing. Marius STOIA-DJESKA | member | |
Prof. dr. ing. Dragoș ISVORANU | member | |
Conf. dr.ing. Petrișor PÂRVU | member | |
S.l. dr. ing. Cristian CONSTANTINESCU | member | |
Conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu MORARU | secretary | |
List of Diploma Projects NA finalized on 15 June 2018 and submitted to the board (24)
Candidates for Diploma Exam in September 2018 must submit the final electronic form of the project on 10 Sep 2018 the latest to the Secretary of the Board, otherwise they are not registered in the exam. This is according to the EIPD Procedure and the Rules to Finalize the Studies UPB. Caution! Uploading the project on the students site is an additional condition, it serves the purpose of anti-plagiarism check from the Rector’s office, but it does not replace the above condition to submit the project to the Secretary of the Board. If you did upload your project on the site but did not send it by e-mail to the Secretary, please do it immediately!
Diploma Exam Session September 2018 | CA |
11 Sep 2018 9 am | Room R017 |
Prof. dr. ing. Sterian DĂNĂILĂ | President |
Prof. dr. ing. Dragoș Daniel ISVORANU | Member |
Conf. dr. ing. Octavian Thor PLETER | Member |
S.l. dr. ing. Ion PREDOIU | Member |
S.l. dr. ing. Marius BREBENEL | Member |
Conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu MORARU | Secretary |
Diploma Exam Session September 2018 | SP |
11 Sep 2018 11 am | Room R017 |
Prof. dr. ing. Dragoș Daniel ISVORANU | President |
Prof. dr. ing. Sterian DĂNĂILĂ | Member |
Conf. dr. ing. Octavian Thor PLETER | Member |
S.l. dr. ing. Ion PREDOIU | Member |
S.l. dr. ing. Marius BREBENEL | Member |
Conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu MORARU | Secretary |
Diploma Exam Session September 2018 | NA |
11 Sep 2018 1 pm | Room R017 |
Conf. dr. ing. Octavian Thor PLETER | President |
Prof. dr. ing. Sterian DĂNĂILĂ | Member |
Prof. dr. ing. Dragoș Daniel ISVORANU | Member |
S.l. dr. ing. Ion PREDOIU | Member |
S.l. dr. ing. Marius BREBENEL | Member |
Conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu MORARU | Secretary |
Diploma Exam Session September 2018 | EIA |
11 Sep 2018 8:30 am | Room G1 |
Prof. dr. ing. Adrian Mihail STOICA | President |
Prof. dr. ing. Teodor Viorel CHELARU | Member |
Prof. dr. ing. Octavian GRIGORE-MULER | Member |
Conf. dr. ing. Doina MORARU | Member |
S.l. dr. ing. Cristian CONSTANTINESCU | Member |
S.l. dr. ing. Valentin PANĂ | Secretary |
Diploma Exam Session September 2018 | IMA |
11 Sep 2018 9 am | Room E013 |
Prof. dr. ing. Sorin Eugen ZAHARIA | President |
Prof. dr. ing. Corneliu BERBENTE | Member |
S.l. dr. ing. Silviu ZANCU | Member |
S.l. dr. ing. Ștefan POPESCU | Member |
S.l. dr. ing. Bogdan TEODORESCU | Member |
As. ing. Cornel DINU | Secretary |
The UY 2016-2017 brought as a novelty the Procedure of Preparing and Supervising of the Diploma Projects EIPD 1.3 UPB-FIA. The introduction of a disciplined framework aims at improving the way in which diploma project preparation and supervision is made, and how the 4th Year students work at these projects, with equally spread efforts, on the course of the two semesters. Also, we aim at improving the quality of the diploma projects, avoiding situations illustrated nearby.
Rules on how to Finalize Studies (in Romanian) UPB 2017
Important announcements for the 4th Year Students
Rule to correlate the knowledge mark Faculty Executive Board 2017
The finalized Diploma Project in electronic format (both Word and PDF) must be submitted to the Secretary of the Diploma Exam Board (SCD) by e-mail on 16 June 2017, 23:59 hours the latest, for July 2017 Session. The Secretaries and their e-mail addresses are respectively:
Program of studies | Secretary of the Diploma Exam Board (SCD) | E-mail address |
Aerospace Constructions | Conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu MORARU | laurentiu.moraru@gmail.com |
Propulsion Systems | Conf. dr. ing. Daniel CRUNŢEANU | crunti_dani@hotmail.com |
Aviation Equipment and Installations | Ş.l. dr. ing. Valentin PANA | valentin_pana@yahoo.com |
Aeronautical Engineering and Management | As. ing. Cornel DINU | cornel_dinu@yahoo.co.uk |
Air Navigation (in English) | Ș.l. dr. ing. Constantin LEVENȚIU | cleventiu@yahoo.com |
The Diploma Exam Boards structure, dates, hours and examination rooms are listed further down, on this page.
The finalized Diploma Project must be submitted in electronic form to the supervisor, too.
The printed and bound form of the Diploma Project must be submitted on 30 June 2017.
Warning! Applying to the Diploma Exam is not allowed for the graduates who do not comply to these deadlines to submit the finalized Diploma Project.
For the September 2017 Session, the Secretaries of the Boards are the same as in July, and the deadline to submit the finalized form of the diploma project is 17 August 2017 23:59 hours. Registration for Diploma Exam will be open between 28 August and 10 September 2017 and the exam will take place with the same boards, same rooms, same hours as below, on 11 September 2017 with the exception of the Air Navigation program (NA), scheduled on 12 September 2017.
Supervisor recommendation form
Major Subjects
Equipment and Aviation Installations
Aeronautic Engineering and Management
Progress on the Diploma Projects
Standards 101
Standards 101 About This webinar is for the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering students who would like to enhance their careers through understanding standardization, or improving their existing career path by getting involved with current practices in aviation...
EASN Conference Thessaloniki 8-11 Oct 2024
The 14th Conference of the European Aeronautical Sciences Network will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 8-11 October 2024. The annual EASN conference grew into the most important aerospace event in Europe. The presented papers have a number of publishing...
Malaysian 370 – Ten Years After
Late Edit: We started a new section of this site dedicated to this subject: <MH370> Are you interested in the MH370 case? What are the scenarios, and what is their probability? What can be done to avoid a similar case in the future? Which lessons can the...
First Digital AIP Romania
First Digital AIP Romania by Octavian Thor Pleter Recently I found and scanned some old documents, dated 1991-1992, which prompted memories of my first professional achievements. When I graduated the Faculty of Aeronautics in 1986, I had already discovered my...
New Aerospace Engineering Master of La Sapienza University in Rome
A new Level 2 aerospace engineering master program AvIMO will be launched at La Sapienza University in Rome, entirely taught in English. The event will take place in Rome on 11th December. The courses will start next year and the successful candidates that will pass...
NASA Space Apps Challenge Romania
Registrations are now open for the NASA Space Apps Challenge Romania, the largest international hackathon! Are you passionate about Space and science and want to make a difference? We invite you to register for the NASA Space Apps Challenge Romania, the largest...
Professional opportunity for aerospace engineers
Opportunity! If you are an aeronautics engineering graduate and want to work in an international environment, Akkodis France has some proposals for you! We hire juniors and experts eager to work for major aero companies. The available positions are in Toulouse,...
UAV International Contest
A first major UAV competition will be hosted by the University Politehnica of Bucharest this year. Student teams from any university in the EELISA alliance may participate. The contest calendar and other information may be found at <EELISA UAV Contest 2023> We...
EASN Conference Salerno 5-8 Sep 2023
The 13th Conference of the European Aeronautical Sciences Network will take place in Salerno, Italy, on 5-8 September 2023. The annual EASN conference grew into the most important such aerospace event in Europe. The presented papers have a number of publishing...
AIAS Job Openings
Civil Aviation Safety Investigation and Analysis Authority (SIAA in Romanian AIAS) publishes job openings which could interest our members. Further information on the SIAA site (in Romanian only):...