Doctoral Studies
The Doctoral School of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering brings together ten advisers covering a broad thematic in aerospace engineering.
No | PhD Supervisor | Field | Specializations |
1 | Corneliu BERBENTE | Aerospace Engineering | Fluid Dynamics Aerothermochemistry |
2 | Teodor Viorel CHELARU | Aerospace Engineering | Flight Dynamics Space dynamics Guidance Laws |
3 | Horia DUMITRESCU | Aerospace Engineering | Theory of boundary layer Aerodynamics of rotating wings Aeroacoustics |
4 | Ion FUIOREA | Aerospace Engineering | Out of autoclave aircraft composite structures technology Aircraft structures health monitoring Aircraft structure vibration diagnosis |
5 | Stelian GALETUȘE | Aerospace Engineering | Fluid mechanics and aerodynamics Hydro-dynamic lubrication Air Navigation |
6 | Romulus LUNGU | Aerospace Engineering | Aircraft and rocket flight control Gyroscopic equipments and devices Avionics and navigation systems |
7 | Mihai NEAMȚU | Aerospace Engineering | Aerodynamics Aircraft preconcept Propellers |
8 | Virgil STANCIU | Aerospace Engineering | Aerospace propulsion systems and industrial applications Gas turbines and wind turbines History of the aerospace propulsion systems |
9 | Adrian-Mihail STOICA | Aerospace Engineering | Automatic flight control systems Estimation and filtering Stochastic control |
10 | Sorin-Eugen ZAHARIA | Mechanical Engineering | Airport infrastructure Airport management Handling equipment |
11 | Mihai Aureliu LUNGU | Aerospace Engineering | Modern Control Architectures |
Regulations for Doctoral Studies (in Romanian)
Procedura Admitere Doctorat UPB 2017
Regulament Finalizare Studii Doctorat UPB 2017
Forms (in Romanian)
Referat privind parcurgerea stadiului doctoral
Raportul conducătorului de doctorat privind raportul de similitudine
Proces-verbal al comisiei de îndrumare
Model unic propunere comisie teză de doctorat
Declarație privind opțiuni publicare
Declarație pe proprie răspundere
Cerere pentru fixarea datei de susținere publică
Cerere demarare procedură antiplagiat
UPB-FIA Doctoral School
Facultatea de Inginerie Aerospaţială Local Polizu, Sala A145 Victoria Rozeanu tel: 021402 38 12 e-mail:
Scientific reports session
10 Dec 2019
Presentation of the scientific reports, part of doctoral preparation plan, take place between 02-06 December 2019. The list of reports can be found here
Scientific reports session
15 June 2019
Presentation of the scientific reports, part of doctoral preparation plan , will take place between 15-22 June 2019. The schedule can be found here
Scientific reports session
11 May 2018
Presentation of the scientific reports, part of doctoral preparation plan , will take place between 20-22 June 2018.
In exceptional circumstances (departures abroad, etc.) we will provide the necessary infrastructure to support the scientific report via Skype.
Please, communicate to the secretariat of the doctoral school the chosen date for presenting the report until June 13, 2018, after you have previously established this date by mutual agreement with your PhD coordinator and the members of your guidance commission.
Scientific reports session
18 Dec 2017
The list of research reports presented in December session can be found here.
Scientific reports session
08 Nov 2017
Between 13 and 15 December 2017, the Doctoral School of Aerospace Engineering organizes a research presentation session for doctoral students in year 2 and up.
In order to facilitate the planning of this session PhD students are asked to establish together with their supervisor the date and time of the presentation and to communicate this information to the secretariat of the Doctoral School until December 4, 2017.
PhD students enrolled in October 2017 have to complete the Advanced Study Program and will bring to the secretariat of the Doctoral School a completed and signed catalog sheet until December 15, 2017 .
Scientific reports session
03 May 2017
Presentation of the PhD students’ scientific reports will take place between 21-23 June at the doctoral school headquarters, G02 room. Please, until June 14th, communicate to the Secretariat of the Doctoral School the date chosen for your the presentation.