

 (RSS aggregated flows from Eurocontrol, EASA, ESA, NASA,
Boeing, Airbus, Lockheed Martin, Bombardier, Embraer,
Science Daily, Intelligent Aerospace, SpaceFlight Insider,
Flight International etc)




Standards 101

Standards 101 About This webinar is for the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering students who would like to enhance their careers through understanding standardization, or improving their existing career path by getting involved with current practices in aviation...

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Malaysian 370 – Ten Years After

Late Edit: We started a new section of this site dedicated to this subject: <MH370> Are you interested in the MH370 case? What are the scenarios, and what is their probability? What can be done to avoid a similar case in the future? Which lessons can the...

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First Digital AIP Romania

  First Digital AIP Romania by Octavian Thor Pleter Recently I found and scanned some old documents, dated 1991-1992, which prompted memories of my first professional achievements. When I graduated the Faculty of Aeronautics in 1986, I had already discovered my...

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