People and Organizations

This is an alphabetic list of people and organizations who are relevant to the MH370 Case.

Person or OrganisationRelevance to MH370
AIREONthe Global Satellite Tracking provider since 2019, a technology supposed to prevent another MH370 case
AMSA Australian Maritime Safety Authorityinvolved in the Indian Ocean search operations
Chris ASHTONINMARSAT expert, main author of [A2]
ASTB Australian Transport Safety Bureaumanaged the Indian Ocean search operations
Byron BAILEYexperienced B777 captain involved in MH370 research
Florence de CHANGYauthor, MH370 investigator, convinced that the flight did not end in the Southern Indian Ocean
Gary COLLEDGEINMARSAT expert, co-author of [A2]
Cristian Emil CONSTANTINESCUaerospace engineering professor, co-author of [A1], [A3], University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Samuel DAVEYexpert, co-author of [A5]
Mark DICKINSONINMARSAT expert, co-author of [A2]
Blaine GIBSONMH370 sleuth also known as the debris hunter because of his discoveries
Richard GODFREYMH370 sleuth who promoted the weak signal theory, founder of the Independent Group, author of
Neil GORDONexpert, co-author of [A5]
Fariq Abdul HAMIDcopilot of MH370
Simon HARDYexperienced pilot involved in the MH370 research
Andrew HENEENauthor of charts on MH370 flight and search operations
Ean HIGGINSauthor of [C2] senior editor on The Australian and has led the international coverage of the MH370 mystery; he disappeared himself in 2020
Ian HOLLANDexpert, co-author of [A5], author of [A13]
Angus HOUSTONair chief marshal, head of JACC
Simon HRADECKYsoftware developer, founder of Aviation Herald, one of the most important aeronautical safety references [B11]
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organizationinternational aviation lawmaker promoting the Global Satellite Tracking System
IG Independent Groupgroup of experts and journalists doing work in MH370
INMARSATBritish satellite communications company, provided the only data during the unknown MH370 flight, it was done very early in the crisis allowing more teams to engage in the search
JACC Joint Agency Coordination Centrean Australian government agency which was established on 30 March 2014 to coordinate search and recovery operations for MH370
István Barna JAKABaerospace engineer, co-author of [A3], at the time master student of the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
JON Journal of NavigationCambridge University Press journal of the RIN; early publisher of relevant scientific papers [A2] and [A3]
Mike KEANEexperienced MH370 pilot involved in MH370 research
Jean Luc MARCHANDMH370 investigator, air traffic controller, advocate of manual ditching theory
MH370 Flight Path Reconstruction Groupexperts group providing advisory to ATSB, with findings published in [A5] and [B2]
Octavian Thor PLETERauthor and aerospace engineering professor, main author of [B11], [A1], [A3], [A26], keynote speaker on MH370, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Azharuddin Abdul RAHMANchief of the Malaysian civil aviation at the time of the event; he quitted in 2018 after a report into the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 found failures of the Malaysian air traffic control
RIN Royal Institute of Navigationinstitution who promoted scientific research in solving MH370
Mark RUTTENexpert, co-author of [A5]
Zaharie Ahmad SHAHcaptain of the MH370 flight, who allegedly hijacked the airplane
Alan SHUSTER BRUCEINMARSAT expert, co-author of [A2]
Duncan STEELspace scientist and author, founder of with a dedicated section on MH370 [B12]
Larry VANCEaviation expert and author of [C1], member of SWR 111 accident investigation team
Jason WILLIAMSexpert, co-author of [A5]

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